There’s lots of inspiration here – hope you enjoy it!
We now eat round the clock - often we are eating all but 8 hrs a day. Why does that mean for our bodies - it means our digestion is always on, it means our body has less time to divert resources to job it has to do -like healing, clearing out, forming memories,...
A home office
The key is to be able to move. First work out what is required so you can do your job well. Do you need to be able to shut a door? Do you need day light? Do you need variety to keep you fresh? What is it?Now you've got your bounds... so we will work within...
Inspiration from Mark Twain
I had this quote on my wall at uni .... It has stood me in great stead ... & I still love it just as much! #livealot #unidays#inspirationalquotes #lifecoach #baldock #herfordshire #businesscoach
Timer Time!
Have you ever set a timer to get work done? No, well I want to share with you this super simple strategy for getting stuff done. Whether you're drafting websites (as I was yesterday) or trying to get the dinner made faster than ever so you can fit on more thing in (as...
What do YOU want this year?
Everywhere I look at the moment there's people talking about loosing weight, saving money, getting fitter, giving up smoking... and I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, after all it is that resolution time of the year. I've found myself questioning whether I should...
Decisions, decisions. I seem to have found myself making an awful lot of decisions lately; some have been quick & easy, others have taken an awful lot of time and energy. Some have been personal decisions, some have been work decisions. Some have been...
Merry Christmas!
Just a quick post to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas! I hope you have a fabulous festive time full of things that that make you happy! See you next year. Tanya
Perspective, perspective, perspective. So what am I on about? Well just recently I've been hit by a number of sad tales, tragic experiences that have happened to friends which you wouldn't wish on anyone, let alone good friends. And the thing about tragic tales,...
Be kind… to yourself
Everyone seems to be talking about kindness lately; in newspapers, in magazines, on the street, on the radio.... and I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, it is after all that 'kindness' time of year. However, I wonder when the last time was that you were truly kind to...