Work-life Balance

by | Oct 26, 2010 | 0 comments

So, it’s a buzz word isn’t it – it’s been around for ages… some would say we’re all a little jaded by it, but let’s take a few minutes to think about it. What does it mean … so, starting with ‘work’.. what is your work? Is it the stuff you get paid for? What about the things that you don’t? Do you enjoy work? And then if that’s work, the what is ‘life’? Is it everything that isn’t work? Is it the things you enjoy? Is is the important things? … and so what’s left? What isn’t ‘work’? And what isn’t ‘life’? …. do you need those things? Yes… good… no, then get rid, so you can focus on the other two!

So how do you really focus… well I think there’s a few steps here for you to look at…

1. Define work – what is it to you?

2. Define life – what is it to you?

3. How do you want the balance to be? What is ideal?

4. Where are you now… how close are you?

5. And finally (for now!) what is the one thing you can do this week that will make the biggest difference to getting you closer to where you want to be? Go on… there’s one thing… you can do it..

… more next time!

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