The Paralympics…

by | Aug 30, 2012 | 0 comments

… are here! It’s time to support our country, celebrate all that the athletes have achieved (just to get to the games) and cheer them on to achieve more goals (or golds) during the games.

Can I also suggest that we all turn around and take a look at ourselves…  Who are you supporting achieve their goals at the moment (other than the Paralympians)?  What have you achieved that you deserve to celebrate? And what is it that you are setting out to achieve now?

Go on… jot down those three answers now … then go and show  your support (with a phone call, text or hug), celebrate your achievements (with an outing,activity or chocolate!) and do one thing to get you on the road to achieve your current goal.

Let me know how you go and enjoy the Paralympics. GO TEAM GB!

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