Nearly one month down…

by | Jan 26, 2012 | 0 comments

… can you believe January is nearly over for another year? Someone commented to me yesterday that they are happy January on its way out, but I’m the opposite… I love January; January is  the starting line for the whole year, it’s the perfect time to sit back and consider how you want to fill that blank calendar that’s hanging on the wall, it’s a time to think about all the things you could do in the 12 months which follow … and then, as the months draws to a close (as it is doing now) it’s a time to set yourself an action plan so you get done this year all that you want!

So how am I doing? ….So far I have lots and lots of ideas for this year; lots of dreams, lots of ideals and loads of challenges …. most of them have been captured in ink on my ‘this year I want to… ‘ list … the evading few will be captured by the weekend so I can group, prioritise, add detail and set dates … then bring on February & the rest of the year… it’s time to get going,  make some real progress and make 2012 the year I want it to be 🙂

Why don’t you join me? You still have time. Go on, grab a pen & paper and scribble away….  15mins is all you need.

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