If at first you don’t succeed….

by | Apr 28, 2012 | 0 comments

Have you ever had the priviledge of watching  little person learn to walk? Have you watched them pull themselves up on a sofa, look around and slowly let go with one hand then the other and then… thud… onto their bottom! Then before you know it, up they go again, this time they’ve got a bit smarter & take a look behind them to see what it was that knocked them over before ….. but as they twist… thud…. both hands have slipped off the sofa and they’re on their bottom again.

So they decide that maybe the sofa isn’t the best option, maybe this pair of legs that’s sitting on the sofa would be an easier option… and they’re right; at the top of the legs are two supports in the shape of hands which offer immediate protection again the previously inevitable thud.. and so the little one stands there for a while before realising that actually this isn’t all they were after… they want to stand in places where the aren’t magic hands.

So they try again… this time they purposefully drop to the floor … thud… and try the chair they’ve spied at the other side of the room. They pull themselves up and bingo they do it … a great big “I can stand” smile fills their face … then ooops, the chair starts to move … but then another big smile “this isn’t quite what I was expecting, but this is fun!”

… and so this goes on for days, weeks and maybe months … there are plenty more thuds, quite a lot of bruises and many tears…. but more than anything there’s determination, there’s the ability to (literally) pick one’s self up, learn what went wrong (albeit sometimes on the 3rd, 4th or 5th occasion!), focus on what you really want and try, try again … then before you know it the brilliant day comes when the first steps are taken, then some more steps and before you know it that little person is running rings around you … fantastic 🙂

… I don’t think I need to add much do I? Try today trusting in the courage & determination you had as a child learning to walk .. and I’m sure you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Good luck!

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