"I don’t have time"… or do you?

by | Jun 24, 2012 | 0 comments

You do have time, we all have time and it’s exactly the same amount; 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year….

…but what’s different is how we choose to use that time…. and it is a choice. You could choose not to go to eat or sleep, but given the consequences these choices might not be very wise … but the fact is you still have 24 hours a day and it’s your choice how you use those hours.

The key, of course, is prioritising… you must work out what’s most important to you and then use it to make your time choice, both as you plan ahead and on the spot as things change. Of course we all have things which are so high priority that they fall into the ‘essential’ category and these things reduce the ‘time’ left for other activities…  but the other things really are choices and it’s about making good choices every day (according to your priorities) so that you can say “that’s not a priority for today” rather than “I don’t have time”.

So start today… what do you have to do in the 24 hours from now? What do you want to do in the 24 hours from now?  Write it down…. Now number each item starting with 1 as “I absolutely have to do this” through to “It’d be nice to do this but it really won’t make any difference at all if I don’t do it” … now allocate your time starting with number 1 … and live your next 24 hours by your priorities. Enjoy getting the most important things done and enjoy saying “that’s not a priority” …. I’ll be very surprised if your stress doesn’t go down and your happiness doesn’t go up J

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