Which hats are you wearing today?

by | Nov 29, 2010 | 0 comments

Have you ever stopped and thought about just how many hats you wear in a week?

Are you a friend? A parent? A boss? A sister/brother? A partner? A team member? A cook? A cleaner? A financial adviser?… go on, take a few minutes now to write a list of all the hats that you wear in a week – start with Monday morning waking and work through to Sunday night sleeping.

Did you realise you had that many hats to put on? And what do each of those hats mean to you? What’s the role that you need to play when you have that hat on? And what are the skills that you use?… You’re pretty talented aren’t you really?

Now what if, when you’re faced with a challenge at work or home, you took off the hat you are wearing and put on one of the other ones in your bag and then faced the challenge again? What impact would it have on your day and your success? Go on.. try it next time and let me know how you go.

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