Be kind… to yourself

by | May 30, 2017 | 0 comments

Everyone seems to be talking about kindness lately; in newspapers, in magazines, on the street, on the radio….  and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, it is after all that ‘kindness’ time of year.

However, I wonder when the last time was that you were truly kind to yourself? I confess I’m not that great at being kind to myself on a regular basis but when I do make the effort I notice the difference and so I’m going to try and do it more, want to join me?

The first thing we need to do is to work out what ‘kind’ to ourselves really means, and we’ll each be different. Is it treating yourself to your favourite book? Or maybe deferring some tasks so you can curl up on the sofa with your favourite person? What about a long hot bath or taking the time to cook up your favourite meal? Or might just be simply about accepting that you’re trying your best and if you haven’t got things done, you haven’t got things done. Whatever it is, work out how you’re going to be kind to yourself today (or tomorrow if it’s too late by the time you read this!) and do it!

Good luck.. and go on, make sure you do it,  I know you’ll enjoy it!


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