Back to 'work'

by | Dec 1, 2011 | 0 comments

So after nearly 9 months it’s time for me return to my ‘work’… and I use the inverted commas for two reasons

1. I’m yet to meet a Mum who would not classify welcoming their second child into the world as ‘work’ (especially when the first is still a toddler); and

2. It’s a rare coach who sees their coaching practice as ‘work’

… so I’m very lucky;

I won’t deny my ‘work’ for the last 9 months has been hard, but it’s also been very enjoyable, exceptionally rewarding and I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. … and now it’s time for me to go back to a ‘work’ which I love.

My two year old asked me yesterday ‘what do you do at work Mummy?’ … and my response was ‘I help people do things they really want to do’… and I felt amazing. What a wonderful thing to be able to say and it’s so true.. I help people work out exactly what it is they want to do or change, help them work out a realistic action plan, support them through the first steps (at least)… then I get to celebrate their successes with them. It’s fantastic, I get excited when I start to work with someone new and buzz when I see people achieve things they didn’t think they could … I love it!

….  but enough of me… tell me about you.. what is your ‘work’. How much do you enjoy it? Which bits do you enjoy most? What could you do to make it more enjoyable? So then what could you do in the next week to make it more enjoyable?…  be precise… and write it down… Now then, are you going to do it? If not, what are you going to do? Write it down… So, you know what you’re going to do, now when are you going to do it? Be precise again, I want a day & time.. write it down. Ok… so then the last step is to make sure you remember to do it…. How will you remember? Who do you need to tell? Where can you write it to jog your memory?

Good luck… let me know how you go … and for now I’d best get back to my type 1 ‘work’ 🙂

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