An extra day…

by | Feb 29, 2012 | 0 comments


So here it is, 29th Februrary… of course to most of us it’s just another Wednesday, but I think it’s worthy of special note; we haven’t had an ‘extra day’ for four years and it’ll be four years until we get another… so why not use the excuse to do something a little ‘extra’ for yourself?
Perhaps you could call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while? Perhaps it’s an excuse for a lunchtime walk? Or a detour on the way home to pass a place that makes you smile? What about digging out some photos you haven’t seen for a while? Or maybe  treating yourself to an extra cup of coffee at your favourite haunt? Could you spend an extra 10mins playing with your kids? Or make a bit more effort for a special dinner with your special person?…

.. whatever you do, I hope you enjoy it… I know I will 🙂

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