It’s time to thrive … in your LIFE

There’s lots of inspiration here – hope you enjoy it!

Happy 2012!

It seems only right that this, my first blog of the new year, follows with tradition & focuses on resolutions... (I hear some groans, but bear with me, this might just work for you!)... so tell me, have you made one yet? What is it?... Loose weight? Get fitter?...

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Back to 'work'

So after nearly 9 months it's time for me return to my 'work'... and I use the inverted commas for two reasons 1. I'm yet to meet a Mum who would not classify welcoming their second child into the world as 'work' (especially when the first is still a toddler); and 2....

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Life by priority…

Life by priority…

... but what is that priority? What is it that is most important in your life? And more importantly what is it that you are doing about it? Our word today is filled with opportunities & choices...  and that is fantastic... but how can we make the most of the...

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What would you do if you had your life over …

What would you do if you had your life over …

After a week of colds, coughs and extreme tiredness I'm cheating a little with this week's blog... but I hope you enjoy this wonderful poem all the same... it always reminds me that I'm doing the right thing 🙂 "If I had to live my life over again, I'd dare to make...

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Make your work work for you

Make your work work for you

So then what is 'work' to you? Is it just the stuff you get paid for? Or do you include your personal admin & household chores as well? Maybe you don't get paid for your 'work'; you might be a fulltime carer (for your children, parents or partner) or perhaps you...

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Are you sabotaging your success?

Are you sabotaging your success?

At first glances why would we ever do this... surely not of us would ever consciously decide to be unsuccessful... but maybe that's the point... how often do we consciously decide to be successful? How often do we sit down and decide what success is and how we can...

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Shrek says "Get out of your way"

Shrek says "Get out of your way"

"The thing that matters most is what you think of yourself. If there's something you really want or someone you really want to be… then the only person standing in your way is you." Little did I realise that a lazy Saturday afternoon could be so inspiring... Shrek...

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Happy New Year…. Happy New You!

Happy New Year…. Happy New You!

It's that time of year when New Year's Resolutions are abound; the shelves where the skimmed milk once stood are empty, the nursery car-parks are gridlocked as soon as the doors are open, the streets are peppered with folk out running and....well, the daytime TV &...

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What's your ideal Christmas?

What's your ideal Christmas?

Go on, dream a little... what would be your ultimate Christmas? What is it that would make 2010 one to look back on with a great big smile?... ...Is it getting all your friends together in one place? Is it reliving those childhood memories by taking a little person to...

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