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What do YOU want this year?

Everywhere I look at the moment there’s people talking about loosing weight, saving money, getting fitter, giving up smoking… and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, after all it is that resolution time of the year.

I’ve found myself questioning whether I should loose a little weight too and perhaps I’m spending too much .. and whilst the answers to both of those is definitely a ‘yes!’, they’re not really my resolutions or goals, they’re someone else’s that I’ve just picked up on because they seem like a good idea and I think I ‘should’.

So what are my goals for this year? Well, what are yours? If I’m honest I’ve not yet set about creating my goal plan this year, that’s something I tend to do at the end of January when the kids are firmly back at school & nursery I’ve ‘caught up’ with everything that didn’t happen in the build up to Christmas! But when I do, I sit down and give them a good think. They need to be my ideas, they need to be real and I have to really want them otherwise there’s no point because I just won’t achieve them.

So what about you? Have you decided on your goals for this year… what are they? Have you written them down? Or are you still waiting for that ‘quiet time’  like me? Either way, make sure you block out some time in your diary to focus on them and make sure they’re YOUR ideas, not the rest of the country’s.

Happy New Year! Tanya


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