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Timer Time!

Have you ever set a timer to get work done? No, well I want to share with you this super simple strategy for getting stuff done. Whether you’re drafting websites (as I was yesterday) or trying to get the dinner made faster than ever so you can fit on more thing in (as I also was yesterday!) I think you’re going to like it :).

So I yesterday I thought I had the perfect admin day… a full day ahead of me with no interruptions and a wonderful to-do list chock full of emails, write-ups, updates, strategy planning, website reviews…. all perfectly in line with my vision and mission. Only when I sat down that dreaded swamp feeling hit me. You know, that feeling when there is just so much to do that you wonder if doing any of it is going to make a difference. On top of the volume of tasks, as I scanned down the list it was all those bitty no human-contact kind of jobs (anyone who knows me know I am a people person!) that are super dull but really need doing, urgh! Anyways, then I remembered the timer strategy, it’s super simple and super effective. You grab a timer, set it for 10mins and get to work. Simple. Really it is that simple. And you’ll be amazed how effective it is.

You see when the timer goes off you’ve earned yourself a break and you just repeat. Soon enough you’ll find yourself wanting to carry on at the end of the timer and bingo, you’re on your way.

I start by setting my timer for 10mins then give myself 5mins off if I need it. Generous I know, but it’s important to be a good boss :)… also it’s super important to move so I spent that 5 mins undoing my sitting position with some simple exercises to get the blood and endorphins flowing again. It worked a treat. And sure enough after my first break I worked through the next 5 timers :).

Let me know how you go. What’s your perfect time? What do you do with your breaks? Enjoy!


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