I had this quote on my wall at uni …. It has stood me in great stead … & I still love it just as much!
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Timer Time!
Have you ever set a timer to get work done? No, well I want to share with you this super simple strategy for getting stuff done. Whether you're drafting websites (as I was yesterday) or trying to get the dinner made faster than ever so you can fit on more thing in (as...
What do YOU want this year?
Everywhere I look at the moment there's people talking about loosing weight, saving money, getting fitter, giving up smoking... and I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, after all it is that resolution time of the year. I've found myself questioning whether I should...
Decisions, decisions. I seem to have found myself making an awful lot of decisions lately; some have been quick & easy, others have taken an awful lot of time and energy. Some have been personal decisions, some have been work decisions. Some have been...