
An extra day…

An extra day…

  So here it is, 29th Februrary... of course to most of us it's just another Wednesday, but I think it's worthy of special note; we haven't had an 'extra day' for four years and it'll be four years until we get another... so why not use the excuse to do something...

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Nearly one month down…

... can you believe January is nearly over for another year? Someone commented to me yesterday that they are happy January on its way out, but I'm the opposite... I love January; January is  the starting line for the whole year, it's the perfect time to sit back and...

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Happy 2012!

It seems only right that this, my first blog of the new year, follows with tradition & focuses on resolutions... (I hear some groans, but bear with me, this might just work for you!)... so tell me, have you made one yet? What is it?... Loose weight? Get fitter?...

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