
Goals Goals Goals

Goals Goals Goals

... what are yours right now? Write them down, even if it's just one, write it down. Now look at what you've written and, if there's more than one take each one in turn, transport yourself forward to the time when you've achieved your goal... What will you do? What...

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The Paralympics…

The Paralympics…

... are here! It's time to support our country, celebrate all that the athletes have achieved (just to get to the games) and cheer them on to achieve more goals (or golds) during the games. Can I also suggest that we all turn around and take a look at ourselves......

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Wear sunscreen…..

Wear sunscreen…..

The sun has got his hat on here today and it reminded me of this.... it might be a bit old now, but it definitely has some good words for us all Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99 If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long...

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