

What’s your motivation?

So you want to get something done but somehow you're struggling. You're not alone. I see this a lot, both at home and in my work... and however different the situations and the people are, it all comes down to the same thing, motivation ... and the big thing that...

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Your place of inspiration

Your place of inspiration

So where is it... where is the place that your head feels clear, your shoulders feel lighter and your whole world comes into sharp focus? It might be the hills where the wind races past your ears or perhaps beside the sea where sound of the water fills the air. Maybe...

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Favourite things…

It's half term this week and so today I had a precious 90 minutes alone with my eldest son whilst (his younger brother was at nursery and) we waited for his holiday club to start. It was wonderful. Absolutely brilliant... we made, we played and we laughed. I could...

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