
by | Jan 8, 2018 | 0 comments

Decisions, decisions. I seem to have found myself making an awful lot of decisions lately; some have been quick & easy, others have taken an awful lot of time and energy. Some have been personal decisions, some have been work decisions. Some have been tricky because there are too many options, some have been tricky because there have been no (obvious) options.
So, it got me thinking, what makes a good decision and after a bit of fuzzy-head time (as I often find when there’s too much to think about and not enough kid-free time to process it all!) my coaching brain kicked in & things became clear ….

The key to making a good decision is the knowing why you are making the decision and then making sure that ‘why’ aligns your (business) vision and values. The easiest way to do this is to write your decision and add a ‘because’ to the end of it. eg “I have decided ….  because…” and your because should line up with your vision & values. If your ‘because’ doesn’t totally line up then try adjusting your decision (eg add time / financial boundaries or outcome conditions) such that it does…. And if that doesn’t work then ask yourself a few of these questions.

“If I have all the money in the world what would I do?”

“If I didn’t care about the consequences what would I do?”

“If I have unlimited time what would I do? And (my favourite) what will I regret not doing?”

Hope that helps… and for those of you reading this thinking “But I don’t have a vision? Why do I need a vision? I’m just me/ my small business”… I encourage you to try creating and writing your own vision down, after all
“if you don’t know where you’re going you’re never going to get there”

Happy decision making … I’m off to review and rewrite my own visions for next time 🙂

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