Life by priority…

by | Mar 1, 2011 | 0 comments

… but what is that priority? What is it that is most important in your life? And more importantly what is it that you are doing about it?

Our word today is filled with opportunities & choices… ย and that is fantastic… but how can we make the most of the opportunities? And how can we make our choices more straight forward?

Well, it’s all about priorities; it’s about taking the time to work out what’s most important to you and then using that knowledge everyday.

So, let’s start.. what are your top priorities? What are the 5 words which describe the most important areas in your life? And if you’ve done this before, ask yourself if those words which came so naturally still represent what it is that is truly important to you.

Now spend a bit of time thinking about each of those 5 words and picture in your mind or a piece of paper exactly what that word means to you… what is it about that word that makes it so important to you? And what would you like to be able to say about your life in respect of this word?

And now the final step is to take action… write those 5 words in your diary, on your phone, in an email, on a post-it on the mirror or in marker pen on your fridge ๐Ÿ™‚ .. and resolve to use them in your everyday life to help you make the most of everyday and every opportunity that comes your way.

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