Make your work work for you

by | Jan 25, 2011 | 0 comments

So then what is ‘work’ to you? Is it just the stuff you get paid for? Or do you include your personal admin & household chores as well? Maybe you don’t get paid for your ‘work’; you might be a fulltime carer (for your children, parents or partner) or perhaps you work in the voluntary sector… but however you define it, be clear about what’s in and what’s out of that definition.

Now you know what your work is, then it’s time to set about seeing how it can ‘work’ for you. Firstly, you need to decide what it is that you want your ‘work’ to do for you… do you want it to make you wealthier? Happier? More skilled? Do you want it to give you an opportunity to socialise or to visit new places? Do you want it set you up for qualification, certification or accreditation by some recognised body? Do you want it to allow you to see more of your children, partner or friends? Maybe you have a sport or a passion that you want your ‘work’ to work around … and maybe it’s something completely different… but you decide. If your ‘work’ could reach out and give you a helping hand tomorrow, what would it do?

So now you know what your ‘work’ is and how your ‘work’ could ‘work’ for you…  all that remains is for you to decide when you are going to make it happen…. can I be bold enough to suggest tomorrow? Go on, there must be something that you can do tomorrow to start the wheels turning and put you back in charge…

Good luck!

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