Shrek says "Get out of your way"

by | Jan 11, 2011 | 0 comments

“The thing that matters most is what you think of yourself. If there’s something you really want or someone you really want to be… then the only person standing in your way is you.”

Little did I realise that a lazy Saturday afternoon could be so inspiring… Shrek certainly spoke some sense when he shared these wise words with Artie … but what about the rest of us, what can we do with them?

Well, let’s break it down…

“The thing that matters most is what you think of yourself… “

… so what do you think of yourself? What do you like? What do you want to change? … when was the last time you took the time to stop and thing about who you are and paint your own self-image? If it was a while ago, take 60 seconds now to write / paint / draw what you think of yourself…  go on, just do it, 60 seconds, GO!

Now, cross out any negative words and mentally ‘throw them away’ … you don’t need them, focus on the positives.. if your list is a little sparse now, take 30 seconds more to write down at least three more positives (starting with the opposite of your negatives for a starter)

“… If there’s something you really want or someone you really want to be… “

… so what do you want? who do you want to be? Be realistic but be optimistic, believe in yourself … then write it, draw it, visualise it.. think about where you will be, how you will feel and what you will do… make it real for yourself

“…then the only person standing in your way is you.”

… so work out how you can get out of your way and make it happen… firstly what needs to happen that you are stopping / not doing/ making more difficult? then decide how you’re going to do this thing and write down the first step in detail… what do you to do before you take that step? who do you need to tell? when are you going to do it? what might stop you? and what are you going to do to make sure that it doesn’t stop you? … then do it and start on your path to being who you want to be… you can, I know you can.

Let me know how you go… I know I’ll be busy keeping out of my way this week 🙂

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