What's your ideal Christmas?

by | Dec 13, 2010 | 0 comments

Go on, dream a little… what would be your ultimate Christmas? What is it that would make 2010 one to look back on with a great big smile?…

…Is it getting all your friends together in one place? Is it reliving those childhood memories by taking a little person to visit Santa for the first time? Is it seeing the smile on a loved-one’s face when you given the perfect present? Is it a week of long lie-ins? Or is it simply some precious time to do exactly what you want?

Now look around & find somewhere to record your Ideal Christmas headline (a note on your phone, an email to yourself or a post-it on your desk) … and remember we’re not talking reams here, the key word is HEADLINE, you don’t even need sentences, just a few words (definitely no more than 15) which represent your Ideal Christmas.

Ok… so now you know what your Ideal Christmas is, what are you going to do in the next 12 days to make 2010 measure up a little better against it? Look at your headline and ask yourself

“What is the one thing I can do to get closer to my Ideal Christmas in the next 12 days?”

… don’t pick the easy option or the thing you think you ‘should’ do, pick the thing that will make a real difference to this year…… go on, be brave – I bet it’ll not be nearly as difficult as you think  🙂

Righty-ho… you’re just about ready to make Christmas 2010 one to remember…  but before I leave you I have one more quick round of questions… When are you going to do this ‘thing’ that’ll make a massive difference – What day? What time? What might stop you? What are you going to do about it? Ok, good… now put it in your diary and make a real commitment to make 2010 one to remember.

Take care, enjoy your wonderful Christmas and I’ll be back in 2011.

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