What’s your motivation?

by | Mar 27, 2017 | 0 comments

So you want to get something done but somehow you’re struggling. You’re not alone.

I see this a lot, both at home and in my work… and however different the situations and the people are, it all comes down to the same thing, motivation … and the big thing that drives the motivation, the ‘why?’

You see, without a really good reason to do something it’s really really difficult to do it, it’s just the way we work. So how do you find a really good reason to do something? Well you need to link the reason to things that are really important to you, your priorities and once you do that then you’ll find the task becomes so much easier.

So go on, write down what it is you want to do (or say it out loud if you don’t have a pen & paper to hand) then write down the ‘why’ next to it, making sure you include one of your priorities in it. If you can’t get a priority into the ‘why’  or the ‘why’ bit just doesn’t seem to be working then I suggest you really think about what it is you’re trying to do and whether it’s worth your energy to continue trying to do it ….  nine times out of ten, if the ‘why’ doesn’t include a priority then the task just isn’t going to happen and your energy is worth saving!

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